Virtual Machine Management ========================== Cloudmesh v4 contains sophisticated virtual machine management services that makes it easy for the user to manage a large number of virtual machines across clouds with a uniform naming scheme. For now, we will focus on the command line and shell interface. Command Line and Shell Interface -------------------------------- The command line and shell interface to manage virtual machines are listed next. :: vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [N] vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] vm refresh [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] vm console [NAME] [--force] vm start [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun] vm stop [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun] vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun] vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun] vm list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--output=OUTPUT] [--refresh] vm boot [--name=NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--username=USERNAME] [--image=IMAGE] [--flavor=FLAVOR] [--public] [--secgroup=SECGROUPs] [--key=KEY] [--dryrun] vm boot [--n=COUNT] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--username=USERNAME] [--image=IMAGE] [--flavor=FLAVOR] [--public] [--secgroup=SECGROUPS] [--key=KEY] [--dryrun] vm run [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT vm ip assign [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] vm ip show [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT] [--refresh] vm ip inventory [NAMES] vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER] [--quiet] [--ip=IP] [--key=KEY] [--command=COMMAND] [--modify-knownhosts] vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun] vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS] vm info [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT] vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE] Uniform Parameter Management ---------------------------- The parameters across these commands are uniformly managed. Most of the plural form allows a parameterized specification such as ``a[00-03],a8`` which would result in an array ``["a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a8"]``. This especially applies to clouds as well as virtual machine names. We distinguish the following parameterized options :–cloud=CLOUDS: which specifies one or more clouds in parameterized fashion :–names=NAMES: which specifies one or more clouds in parameterized fashion We distinguish the following regular options :–interval=INTERVAL: a specified interval in seconds :–output=OUTPUT: The output format: txt, csv, table :–refresh: To update the state of the vms specified with clouds and names :–username=USERNAME: The username to be used for connecting with the vm :–quiet: do not print debug messages :–dryrun: do not execute the command, but just print what would happen :–ip=IP: specify a public IP :–key=KEY: start the vm with the keypair name .. _virtual-machine-management-1: Virtual machine management -------------------------- Virtual machines can be - Created - Started - Stopped - Suspended - Resumed - Destroyed Default behavior such as a key management naming scheme as well as ip address and security management is conveniently provided Key management -------------- Access to the virtual machine is governed by SSH keys. The default key can be uploaded to the cloud with the key command. The name of the key in the cloud can be used to associate it with virtual machines so that this key can be used to log into the VM Security groups --------------- A security group acts as a virtual firewall for the instance. When we launch an instance, we want to attach security Groups for controlling the traffic in and out of the VM. Check instances --------------- To check if the instance can execute ssh commands we need to make sure it is ready. The wait command waits till the vm is ready, which the check just performs a test. :: cms vm check instance NAMES cms vm wait instance NAMES Command Examples ---------------- .. list-table:: Vm Command :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Action - Command * - Start - vm start [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] * - Ping - vm ping [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] [N] * - Check - vm check [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] * - Status - vm status [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] * - Login - vm ssh [NAME] [–force] * - Stop - vm stop [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] * - Terminate - vm terminate [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] * - Delete - vm delete [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] Example ------- .. todo:: the name function is not yet included in cms set :: cms set cloud=aws cms set counter=0 cms set name.format="vm-{counter}" vm boot vm ping vm check vm status vm ssh vm stop vm start vm terminate # Virtual machine Management * * There is also a newer version of cloudmesh, that we have not implemented all of this logic but it uses cmd5 Virtual machines are managed with the vm command