workflow_draft ============== .. parsed-literal:: Usage: workflow_draft refresh [--cloud=CLOUD] [-v] workflow_draft list [ID] [NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT] [--refresh] [-v] workflow_draft add NAME LOCATION workflow_draft delete ID workflow_draft status [NAMES] workflow_draft show ID workflow_draft save NAME WORKFLOWSTR workflow_draft run NAME workflow_draft service start workflow_draft service stop This lists out the workflows present for a cloud Options: --output=OUTPUT the output format [default: table] --cloud=CLOUD the cloud name --refresh refreshes the data before displaying it from the cloud Examples: cm workflow refresh cm workflow list cm workflow list --format=csv cm workflow show 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh cm workflow run workflow1