volume ====== .. parsed-literal:: Usage: volume register which volume register [NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] [ARGUMENTS...] volume list [NAMES] [--vm=VM] [--region=REGION] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--dryrun] [--output=FORMAT] volume create [NAME] [--size=SIZE] [--volume_type=TYPE] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--dryrun] [ARGUMENTS...] volume status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] volume attach [NAMES] [--vm=VM] volume detach [NAMES] volume delete NAMES volume migrate NAME FROM_VM TO_VM volume sync FROM_VOLUME TO_VOLUME This command manages volumes accross different clouds Arguments: NAME the name of the volume vm the name of the vm Options: --vm=VMNAME The name of the virtual machine --region=REGION The name of the region --cloud=CLOUD The name of the cloud --refresh If refresh the information is taken from the cloud --volume_type=TYPE The type of the volume --output=FORMAT Output format [default: table] Description: volume register which TODO: describe volume register [NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] [ARGUMENTS...] TODO: describe volume list [NAMES] [--vm=VM] [--region=REGION] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--dryrun] [--output=FORMAT] List all the volumes for certain vm, region, or cloud. volume create [NAME] [--size=SIZE] [--volume_type=TYPE] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--dryrun] [ARGUMENTS...] Creates a volume volume status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] volume attach [NAMES] [--vm=VM] Attatch volume to a vm volume detach [NAMES] Dettatch volume from a vm volume delete NAMES Delete the named volumes volume migrate NAME FROM_VM TO_VM TODO: not yet implemented Migrate volume from one vm to another vm between different regions, services or providers. ` volume sync FROM_VOLUME TO_VOLUME TODO: not yet implemented Volume sync alows for data to shared bewteen two volumes.