source ====== .. parsed-literal:: Usage: source list source install [--protocol=PROTOCOL] This command does some useful things. Arguments: KEY a file name Options: -f specify the file --protocol=PROTOCOL [default: ssh] --output=OUTPUT [default: table] Description: you cen specify in your yaml file the location of where you manage your source code. cloudmesh: source: common: ~/Desktop/github/cloudmesh cmd5: ~/Desktop/github/cloudmesh openapi: ~/Desktop/github/cloudmesh sys: ~/Desktop/github/cloudmesh cm: ~/Desktop/github/cloudmesh-community Once you have this included and cms cm is installed, you can than for example do an update from source with cms source install This has the advantage that all cms directories pull the new code from git. It assumes that you have installed the source previously with pip install -e . in each of the directories