Documentation Management ------------------------ To increase the readability of the documentation we ask you to try to use 80 character line limits if possible. You can install the plugin `Wrap to Column` * This is important for a better editing experience. With the functions `Edit-Wrap Line to column` or `Edit-Wrap Line to paragraph`` that are assigned to keyboard shortcuts such as ``CONTROL-SHIFT-COMMAND-W`` or ``CONTROL-SHIFT-COMMAND-P`` Alternatively, we recommend using emacs fro line wrapping as it provides with ``Esc-q`` a build-in tool. All of the documentation is in the ``cloudmesh-manual`` repository which is automatically cloned when installing the cloudmesh using ``cloudmesh-installer`` The documentation source files are located in ``docs-source`` folder inside the ``cloudmesh-manual`` repository. It's very important to build the documentation locally and test the modifications before pushing them to the remote. To build the documentation locally you first, make sure that the proper virtual environment is activated, then make sure that you have a ``cloudmesh.yaml`` file in the path ``~/.cloudmesh/cloudmehs.yaml``. Please follow the cloudmesh install instructions for a developer. Then you need to install the requirements and make the documentation: .. code:: bash cd cloudmesh-manual pip install -r requirements.txt make clean # cleans up the documentation make manual # creates the manual pages make view # views the documentation In case you do not develop new commands with manual page changes, you can in subsequent calls say ``make doc``. Please note that `rst` and `md` files are allowed as a documentation format.