:mod:`test_vdiropenapi` ======================= .. py:module:: test_vdiropenapi Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: test_vdiropenapi.Test_vdir_openapi .. class:: Test_vdir_openapi see: https://github.com/cloudmesh/cloudmesh-common/blob/main/cloudmesh/common/run/background.py the code in the link has not bean tested make this s function execute the server in the back ground not in a terminal, get the pid and kill it after the test is done UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) define terminal osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd $(PWD); $1"' endef endif ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) define terminal gnome-terminal --command 'bash -c "cd $(PWD); $1"' endef endif .. method:: create_file(self, location, content) .. method:: test_setup(self) .. method:: test_install(self) .. method:: test_create_source(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_mkdir(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_ls(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_cd(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_add(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_status(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_get(self) .. method:: test_vdir_openapi_delete(self)