:mod:`cloudmesh-storage.cloudmesh.storage.provider.awss3.Provider` ================================================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-storage.cloudmesh.storage.provider.awss3.Provider Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-storage.cloudmesh.storage.provider.awss3.Provider.Provider .. class:: Provider(service=None, parallelism=4) Bases: :class:`cloudmesh.storage.provider.StorageQueue.StorageQueue` .. attribute:: kind :annotation: = awss3 .. attribute:: sample .. attribute:: status :annotation: = ['completed', 'waiting', 'inprogress', 'canceled'] .. attribute:: output .. method:: mkdir_run(self, specification) function to create a directory the function will first check if the bucket exists or not, if the bucket doesn't exist it will create the bucket and it will create the directory specified. the name of the bucket will come from YAML specifications and the directory name comes from the arguments. :param specification: :return: .. method:: get_s3_resource_client(self) .. method:: list_run(self, specification) function to list file or directory lists the information as dict :return: dict .. method:: delete_run(self, specification) deletes the source :param specification: :return: dict .. method:: get_run(self, specification) function to download file or directory gets the source from the service :param: specification: :return: dict .. method:: put_run(self, specification) function to upload file or directory puts the source on the service :param: specification :return: dict .. method:: search_run(self, specification) .. method:: cancel_run(self, specification) .. method:: bucket_create(self, name=None) gets the source name from the put function :param name: the bucket name which needs to be created :return: dict,Boolean .. method:: bucket_exists(self, name=None) gets the source from the put function :param name: the bucket name which needs to be checked for exists :return: Boolean .. data:: p