:mod:`cloudmesh-common.cloudmesh.common.parameter` ================================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-common.cloudmesh.common.parameter Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-common.cloudmesh.common.parameter.Parameter .. class:: Parameter Bases: :class:`object` .. method:: _expand(values) :staticmethod: given a string of the form "a,g-h,k,x-z" expand it tl a list with all characters between the - being expanded :param values: string of the form "a,g-h,k,x-z" :return: .. method:: expand_string(cls, parameter) :classmethod: can expand strings, but only allows either, or - in [] not mixed :param parameter: string of the form prefix[a,g-h,k,x-z]postfix :return: .. method:: expand(cls, parameter, allow_duplicates=False, sort=False, sep=':') :classmethod: Parameter.expand("a[0-1]") -> ["a0", "a1"] Content sensitive : expansion Parameter.expand("local:a0,a1") -> ["local:a0", "local:a1"] instead of Parameter.expand("local:[a0,a1]") -> ["local:a0", "local:a1"] :param parameter: :param allow_duplicates: :param sort: :return: .. method:: find(name, *dicts) :staticmethod: Finds the value for the key name in multiple dicts :param name: the key to find :param dicts: the list of dicts :return: .. method:: find_bool(name, *dicts) :staticmethod: Finds the value for the key name in multiple dicts :param name: the key to find :param dicts: the list of dicts :return: .. method:: arguments_to_dict(arguments) :staticmethod: converts a string of the form "a=1,b=2" to a dict {"a":"1", "b":"2"} all values are strings :param arguments: the argument string :return: a dic of argument and values .. method:: separate(text, sep=':') :staticmethod: