:mod:`cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.vbox.Provider` ============================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.vbox.Provider Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.vbox.Provider.Provider .. class:: Provider(cloud=None, config=None) Bases: :class:`object` .. method:: _check_version(self, r) checks if vargrant version is up to date :return: .. method:: start(self, name) start a node :param name: the unique node name :return: The dict representing the node .. method:: nodes(self, verbose=False) list all nodes id :return: an array of dicts representing the nodes .. method:: boot(self, **kwargs) .. method:: execute(self, name, command, cwd=None) .. method:: to_dict(self, lst, id='name') .. method:: stop(self, name=None) stops the node with the given name :param name: :return: The dict representing the node including updated status .. method:: _convert_assignment_to_dict(self, content) .. method:: info(self, name=None) gets the information of a node with a given name :param name: :return: The dict representing the node including updated status .. method:: suspend(self, name=None) suspends the node with the given name :param name: the name of the node :return: The dict representing the node .. method:: resume(self, name=None) resume the named node :param name: the name of the node :return: the dict of the node .. method:: destroy(self, name=None) Destroys the node :param name: the name of the node :return: the dict of the node .. method:: delete(self, name=None) .. method:: vagrantfile(self, **kwargs) .. method:: _get_specification(self, cloud=None, name=None, port=None, image=None, **kwargs) .. method:: create(self, name=None, image=None, size=None, timeout=360, port=80, **kwargs) creates a named node :param port: :param name: the name of the node :param image: the image used :param size: the size of the image :param timeout: a timeout in seconds that is invoked in case the image does not boot. The default is set to 3 minutes. :param kwargs: additional arguments passed along at time of boot :return: .. method:: rename(self, name=None, destination=None) rename a node :param name: the current name :param destination: the new name :return: the dict with the new name .. method:: find_image(cls, keywords) :classmethod: Finds an image on hashicorps web site :param keywords: The keywords to narrow down the search .. method:: list_images(cls) :classmethod: