:mod:`cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.register.command.register` ========================================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.register.command.register Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.register.command.register.RegisterCommand .. class:: RegisterCommand Bases: :class:`cloudmesh.shell.command.PluginCommand` .. method:: do_register(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: register list [--service=SERVICE] [--kind=KIND] register list sample --kind=KIND [--service=SERVICE] [--output=FORMAT] [--underline=C] register remove --kind=KIND [--service=SERVICE] [--name=NAME] register update --kind=KIND [--service=SERVICE] [--name=NAME] [--filename=FILENAME] [--keep] [ATTRIBUTES...] [--dryrun] This command adds the registration information in the cloudmesh yaml file. A FILENAME can be passed along that contains credential information downloaded from the cloud. The permissions of the FILENAME will also be changed. A y/n question will be asked if the file with the FILENAME should be deleted after integration. This helps that all credential information could be managed with the cloudmesh.yaml file. Arguments: FILENAME a filename in which the cloud credentials are stored ATTRIBUTES Attribute list to replace if json file is not provided. Attributes will override the values from file if both are used. SERVICE service type e.g: compute, storage, volume etc. KIND kind that needs to be registered. E.g: aws, google, azure etc. Multiple kind might be supported by same cloud service provider. Options: --keep keeps the file with the filename. --dryrun option to just display the formatted sample without updating the cloudmesh.yaml file. --filename=FILENAME json filename containing the details to be replaced. --service=SERVICE service type e.g. storage,cloud,volume etc. --name=NAME name for the registration to use to add, update or remove. --kind=KIND kind that you want to register e.g: google, aws, azure. --output=FORMAT the foramt output, such as rst, txt [default:txt] --underline=C in case you use rst as output format the underline character can be defined [default: -] Examples: cms register list List all services and related kinds that can be registered. cms register list --service=cloud List the supported kinds for given cloud service type. cms register list sample --kind=google --service=cloud Display the sample entry google cloud. It also lists all attributes that are needed to successfully register for the given kind and service. cms remove --kind=google --service=cloud --name=mygoogle Remove the cloudmesh.yaml for google cloud registered with name mygoogle. If name attribute is not provided, the name is defaulted to kind i.e. google in this example. cms register update --kind=google --service=compute --filename= ~/.cloudmesh/security/google-service-account.json Add or update the cloudmesh.yaml entry for google cloud/compute type with replaceable attributes provided in the json file. In this example the values for credential filename, project_id, and client_email will be changed to respective values from google compute sample. We assume you have downloaded the service account credentials form google cloud.