:mod:`cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.group.command.group` ==================================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.group.command.group Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.group.command.group.GroupCommand .. class:: GroupCommand Bases: :class:`cloudmesh.shell.command.PluginCommand` .. method:: do_group(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: group list [GROUPNAME] [--format=FORMAT] group remove NAMES [--group=GROUPNAME] group add NAMES [--type=TYPE] [--group=GROUPNAME] [--format=FORMAT] group delete GROUPS group copy FROM TO group merge GROUPA GROUPB MERGEDGROUP manage the groups Arguments: NAMES names of object to be added GROUPS names of a groups FROM name of a group TO name of a group GROUPA name of a group GROUPB name of a group MERGEDGROUP name of a group Options: --format=FORMAT the output format [default: table] --type=TYPE the resource type --name=NAME the name of the group --id=IDS the ID(s) to add to the group Description: cloudmesh can manage groups of resources. Operations can be performed on these groups including termination of services that are registered with the group. A default group can be set with the command cms set group=GROUPNAME where GROUPNAME is the group to which all future resources be added. The group can also be set as part of other commands with the --group=GROUPNAME option. Example: set group=mygroup group add --type=vm --id=albert-[001-003] adds the vms with the given name using the Parameter see base group add --type=vm adds the last vm to the group group delete --name=mygroup deletes all objects in the group