:mod:`cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.data.api.db.DBProviderABC` ========================================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.data.api.db.DBProviderABC Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.data.api.db.DBProviderABC.DBProviderABC .. class:: DBProviderABC Abstract Base Class for supported database providers. .. method:: list_files(self) :abstractmethod: get a list of stored files :return: a list of CloudFiles .. method:: add(self, cloud_file) :abstractmethod: add a new CloudFile to the database :param cloud_file: a CloudFile. todo :return: a CloudFile with resource information filled in .. method:: delete(self, cloud_file) :abstractmethod: delete a file from the database :param cloud_file: the cloud file entry being deleted .. method:: update(self, cloud_file) :abstractmethod: update a file :param cloud_file: the cloud file entry being updated :return: the updated CloudFile