:mod:`cloudmesh.terminal.command.terminal` ========================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh.terminal.command.terminal Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh.terminal.command.terminal.TerminalCommand .. class:: TerminalCommand Bases: :class:`cloudmesh.shell.command.PluginCommand` .. method:: do_term(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: term COMMAND Arguments: COMMAND The command to execute in the terminal Opens a new terminal and executes the command in it The terminal stays openafter executing it in an interctive mode The terminal is started in the background .. method:: do_banner(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: banner [-c CHAR] [-n WIDTH] [-i INDENT] [-r COLOR] TEXT... Arguments: TEXT... The text message from which to create the banner CHAR The character for the frame. WIDTH Width of the banner INDENT indentation of the banner COLOR the color Options: -c CHAR The character for the frame. [default: #] -n WIDTH The width of the banner. [default: 70] -i INDENT The width of the banner. [default: 0] -r COLOR The color of the banner. [default: NORMAL] Prints a banner form a one line text message. .. method:: do_stopwatch(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: stopwatch start TIMER stopwatch stop TIMER stopwatch print [TIMER] stopwatch benchmark Arguments: TIMER the name of the timer Description: THIS IS NOT YET WORKING starts and stops named timers and prints them .. method:: do_clear(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: clear Clears the screen. .. method:: do_sleep(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: sleep SECONDS Clears the screen. .. method:: do_echo(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: echo [-r COLOR] TEXT Arguments: TEXT The text message to print COLOR the color Options: -r COLOR The color of the text. [default: NORMAL] Prints a text in the given color .. method:: do_pause(self, arg, arguments) :: Usage: pause [MESSAGE] Arguments: MESSAGE message to be displayed Description: Displays the specified text then waits for the user to press RETURN. .. method:: set_verbose(self, on) .. method:: set_banner(self, banner)