:mod:`cloudmesh.mongo.MongoDocker` ================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh.mongo.MongoDocker Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh.mongo.MongoDocker.MongoDocker .. class:: MongoDocker(configuration='~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml', dryrun=False) Bases: :class:`object` .. method:: run(self, script, verbose=True, terminate=False) .. method:: create(self) Starts the MongoDBd Container :return: .. method:: ssh(self, auth=True) Starts the MongoDBd Container :return: .. method:: start(self, auth=True) Starts the MongoDBd Container :return: .. method:: execute(self, command, auth=False, terminate=False, verbose=False) Starts the MongoDBd Container :return: .. method:: sh(self, command) .. method:: stop(self) Stops the MongoDBd Container :return: .. method:: wait(self, delay=20, verbose=False) test if mongo is available :return: .. method:: create_admin(self) Creates the admin user in the Container :return: .. method:: kill(self, name=None) Kills all Containers :return: .. method:: ps(self) Creates the Mongo image :return: .. method:: install(self, clean=False, pull=True) Creates the Mongo image :return: .. method:: login(self) .. method:: initialize(self) .. method:: status(self, auth=False) Status of the the MongoDB Container :return: DIct with the status .. data:: mongo