:mod:`cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator` ======================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator.DatabaseUpdate cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator.DatabaseImportAsJson cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator.DatabaseAlter .. class:: DatabaseUpdate(**kwargs) The data base decorator automatically replaces an entry in the database with the dictionary returned by a function. It is added to a MongoDB collection. The location is determined from the values in the dictionary. The name of the collection is determined from cloud and kind: cloud-kind In addition each entry in the collection has a name that must be unique in that collection. In most examples it is pest to separate the upload from the actual return class. This way we essentially provide two functions one that provide the dict and another that is responsible for the upload to the database. Example: cloudmesh.example.foo contains: class Provider(object) def entries(self): return { "cm": { "cloud": "foo", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} } "cloud": "foo", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} cloudmesh.example.bar contains: class Provider(object) def entries(self): return { "cloud": "bar", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} cloudmesh.example.provider.foo: from cloudmesh.example.foo import Provider as FooProvider from cloudmesh.example.foo import Provider as BarProvider class Provider(object) def __init__(self, provider): if provider == "foo": provider = FooProvider() elif provider == "bar": provider = BarProvider() @DatabaseUpdate def entries(self): provider.entries() Separating the database and the dictionary creation allows the developer to implement different providers but only use one class with the same methods to interact for all providers with the database. In the combined provider a find function to for example search for entries by name across collections could be implemented. .. method:: __call__(self, f) .. class:: DatabaseImportAsJson(**kwargs) Updating the database using MongoImport. expects a dictionary with the following format: { 'db': Name of the database (cloudmesh by default), 'collection': Name of the collection to be saved in the db, 'data' : DATA} The data should be an array of dict. .. method:: __call__(self, f) .. class:: DatabaseAlter(**kwargs) The data base decorator automatically replaces an entry in the database with the dictionary returned by a function. It is added to a MongoDB collection. The location is determined from the values in the dictionary. The name of the collection is determined from cloud and kind: cloud-kind In addition each entry in the collection has a name that must be unique in that collection. In most examples it is pest to separate the upload from the actual return class. This way we essentially provide two functions one that provide the dict and another that is responsible for the upload to the database. Example: cloudmesh.example.foo contains: class Provider(object) def entries(self): return { "cm": { "cloud": "foo", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} } "cloud": "foo", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} cloudmesh.example.bar contains: class Provider(object) def entries(self): return { "cloud": "bar", "kind"": "entries", "name": "test01" "test": "hello"} cloudmesh.example.provider.foo: from cloudmesh.example.foo import Provider as FooProvider from cloudmesh.example.foo import Provider as BarProvider class Provider(object) def __init__(self, provider): if provider == "foo": provider = FooProvider() elif provider == "bar": provider = BarProvider() @DatabaseUpdate def entries(self): provider.entries() Separating the database and the dictionary creation allows the developer to implement different providers but only use one class with the same methods to interact for all providers with the database. In the combined provider a find function to for example search for entries by name across collections could be implemented. .. method:: __call__(self, f)