:mod:`cloudmesh.management.configuration.counter` ================================================= .. py:module:: cloudmesh.management.configuration.counter Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh.management.configuration.counter.Counter .. class:: Counter(counter_file_path='~/.cloudmesh/counter.yaml') Bases: :class:`object` A counter is used to keep track of some value that can be increased and is associated with a user. Typically it is used to increment the vm id or the job id. .. attribute:: __shared_state .. method:: incr(self, name='counter') increments the counter by one :return: .. method:: decr(self, name='counter') increments the counter by one :return: .. method:: get(self, name='counter') returns the value of the counter :param name: name of the counter :return: the value of the counter .. method:: set(self, name='counter', value=None) sets a counter associated with a particular user :param name: name of the counter :param value: the value :return: