:mod:`cloudmesh.google.command.google` ====================================== .. py:module:: cloudmesh.google.command.google Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cloudmesh.google.command.google.GoogleCommand .. class:: GoogleCommand Bases: :class:`cloudmesh.shell.command.PluginCommand` STUDENT - goes to google student download json google.json student does cms google yaml add google.json [--name=NAME] cloudmesh.storage.NAME content gets written into yaml file would you like to delete the file google.json (y) student say cms transfer xys system checks if ~/.google.json exists, if not, creates its now this json file is used for authentication ....async .. method:: do_google(self, args, arguments) :: Usage: google config add [FILE_JSON] [--storage=SERVICE] google config write [FILE_JSON] [--storage=SERVICE] google config list storage google config list credentials google list google create [--name=NAME] [--storage=SERVICE] google bigquery delete This command does some useful things. Arguments: FILE a file name Options: -f specify the file Description: google config add [FILE_JSON] [--storage=SERVICE] TODO google config write [FILE_JSON] [--storage=SERVICE] TODO google config list storage TODO google config list credentials TODO google list TODO google create [--name=NAME] [--storage=SERVICE] TODO